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Milton Resident Honored at State House Event

BOSTON, JUN. 29 - Nancy Lanata of Milton was honored at the 15th Annual Unsung Heroines of Massachusetts Awards ceremony at the Massachusetts State House on Wednesday, June 20th, for her decades of voluntary charity work. Nancy has volunteered at the Milton Community Food Pantry, located inside the Parkway Methodist Church on Blue Hills Parkway, for more than 25 years. In addition to being recognized at the ceremony, Nancy was also presented with a House of Representatives citation from her State Rep., William Driscoll, Jr, commending her service to her town.

The Unsung Heroine awards are held annually at the State House to honor women who make outstanding contributions to their communities or organizations. This year, 131 women were recognized, and each had their name and achievements read out at the ceremony by the commissioner on the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women. The attendees wore yellow roses to mark the occasion.

Representative Driscoll, who nominated Nancy for the award after witnessing her work in person on a number of occasions, was effusive in his praise. “Nancy is an incredible role model for all of us in Milton,” said Driscoll. “I met her last year around the holidays, and was struck by her kind-hearted determination to help families in need. She and her colleagues do so much under-appreciated good work in our community.”

“Her peers at the food pantry, and those who know her best, will attest to the fact that the term ‘unsung heroine’ couldn’t be a more fitting description of her”, said Representative Driscoll.

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