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Driscoll Opposes Trash Transfer Station Construction

MILTON, OCT. 2 - State Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr. delivered public testimony at the John F. Kennedy Elementary School in Holbrook on Thursday, September 5th, expressing his opposition to the proposed construction of a trash transfer station on the Holbrook and Randolph border. The testimony was delivered to the Holbrook Board of Health, which has been conducting a series of public hearings as they consider TLA-Holbrook LLC’s request to build the 1,000 ton per day facility on Phillips Street, near the Randolph-Holbrook commuter rail station.

“Installing such a station on the Holbrook and Randolph border would negatively affect the quality of life of my constituents,” Driscoll stated, “and the addition of more than 200 large refuse trucks per day would not only create an air and noise pollution issue in Randolph, but would also add to the current traffic and congestion problems that many residents experience on a daily basis. I am here to go on the record in opposition to this project. “

Driscoll reminded the panel in front of him that the proposal for the station has been around for a number of years, but that the current blueprints differed little to previous iterations. His sentiments were shared by others in attendance, including a significant number of Holbrook residents who were opposed to the construction of the facility. Chief among the concerns held by members of the public who testified were the issues of noise and smell caused by the transfer of waste into the station. Driscoll remarked, “all of us have a tough time with change when it occurs in our neighborhoods, but I have tried and I really cannot come up with an idea for a worse change that could take place in the community than a new trash transfer station.”

State Representative Driscoll outlined the strength of feeling felt locally by his own constituents toward the proposed facility, noting that they would “have their lives negatively affected by its operations.” He closed by affirming his view that “the proposal would be an environmental hazard to the town of Randolph if it was constructed.”

The lawmaker’s latest testimony on the plans joins a wave of opposition to the plans from local elected officials, residents in Randolph and other affected communities.

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