Driscoll Files Home Rule Legislation for the Town of Randolph
BOSTON – AUGUST 14, 2023 – Recently, Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. (D-Milton) filed HD. 4474, An Act relative to the preparation of bilingual ballots in English and Haitian Creole in the city known as the town of Randolph. This legislation requires that Haitian Creole must be an available language for all state and town preliminary and final election ballots in the town of Randolph, in addition to any other languages required by law.
Currently, Vietnamese is the only language in addition to English available for voting. The State Secretary will be responsible to cover all costs resulting from the implementation should this bill be passed and get signed into law.
This legislation will expand voter access in Randolph by ensuring ballots are culturally competent and can be easily utilized by residents who are not English communicators. Available Haitian Creole ballots honors the large Haitian population in Randolph, allowing for greater participation and celebration of the community they’ve built in the town.
Legislation such as this Driscoll proposed bill is an essential practice for voting access now, and into the future. These adaptive efforts not only assure easier access to municipality elections but captures the diversity in a community.