Project Labor Agreement Provisions Included in Recently Passed Legislation
NOVEMBER 21, 2024
On Thursday, November 14th, the Massachusetts Legislature passed an Economic Development Bill, An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts' economic leadership. Included in the bill are important provisions related to Project Labor Agreements (PLA), or a collective bargaining agreement between multiple labor unions that settles the terms and conditions of employment for construction projects.
Within this bill are statues allowing a public awarding authority to enter into a PLA, and sets required considerations, such as cost, safety, quality, and efficiency, for before requiring one.
The legislation authorizes public agencies or municipalities to use PLAs if it is in the best interest of the Commonwealth and directs the Department of Labor Standards to promulgate regulations to increase diversity of contractors in PLAs. These provisions benefit over 75,000 union tradesmen and women across Massachusetts by clearly defining when agencies and municipalities should utilize a PLA.
Clarifying this determination process and allowing for Project Labor Agreements will expand apprenticeship training and career opportunity while increasing diversity, and improving wages, hours, and overall quality of life for those in the industry.